23 jan 2015 - HEI MANAAKI (WK 1)
Fabulous to see everyone back again this year 2015: Papa Te Kai, Whaea Viv, Papa Joe, Kylie, Marcia, Rena, Michelle,Whaea Lil, Whaea Winnie & Moko & Kura
It was wonderful to hear how everyone's holidays went. Everyone enjoyed being with their whanau and completing a range of overdue tasks. All of us were feeling blessed with either the arrival of new moko, completing renovations, having moko visit or just being able to use the Fishing Torpedo that they never get time for - fabulous holiday.
Here is a snapshot of one of the awesome korero by Paul White and Richard Murray about Te Ahu history and design
Also explain new mahi for the year with Te Aho Tuu Roa (Enviroschools) as the Tai Tokerau facilitator promoting the Maori Kete Taiao working with Kura but I also forgot to mention: Kohanga, Runanga, Marae, in fact any roopu wanting to look at supporting environmental rich kaupapa immersed in Te Reo Maori.
On 10th Feb at Te Runanga o Te Rarawa (Te Oranga:16 Matthews Avenue, Kaitaia) we will be having a one day wānanga in preparation for the Conference Wānanga in November.
Below is the kaupapa each of us have been delegated to present however we choose eg: art, waiata, korero, kanikani - kei a koe te tikanga.
Io- Papa Te Kai Makiha
Te Kore - Whaea Viv Body
Te Korekore - ?
Te Po - Whaea Wikitoria Makiha
Ki te Wheiao ki te Ao Marama - Lisa & Reti
Te Pu - BJ
Te More - Moana Henare & Aunty Pauline
Te Weu - Michelle Kemp
Te Aka - Erina
Te Rea - Jo Murray
Te Waonui - Whaea Mere Simon
Te Kune - ?
Te Whe - Rina
Te Kore - Papa Joe Body
We all need to start researching our kaupapa to prepare for our presentation
"Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu"
Moving forward this year we will be looking at ways to get funding for our roopu to prepare to head to Cebu in 2016. Whaea Viv has an account that we can start setting up AP's for those who would like to start contributing. Whaea Viv met with Teresa re: last years fundraiser putea which will be coming in soon to the account."Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu"
Teresa will be working with youth on tourism with Taipa Kura, we need to start promoting tourism and Te Reo (a present and future commodity languge) with our tamariki as a possible career pathway choice - there is such huge potential for tourism development in the Far North and with the shortage of Te Reo Maori teachers there will always be work for them. The Taipa students will also attend noho with the rest of our roopu when they are held throughout the year.
2015 DATES
On the 27-29th February Mitimiti will be having DIY on their marae all are welcome to attend.We will be having monthly wānanga noho marae at the end of each month an opportunity to go around each of our marae to have our wānanga. Dates for our wānanga will be
March 27-28th Houtaewa challenge - our roopu will tautoko this event
1st-2nd May - TBC
29-31 May (Queens birthday) wānanga at Manutuke in Gisbourne or if not available then Pipiwai (TBC)
26-27 June - TBC
31-1 July - TBC
28-29 August - TBC
25-26 Sept - TBC
30-31 Oct - TBC
Waitangi this year will also be supported by our roopu Whaea Viv and Whaea Rena will be staying together. Peter explained that there will be an opportunity to fundraise while there. Viv will be busy with running some of the tamariki games - but the opportunity will be there for others to take advantage of having stalls.
Papa will be doing basic Te Reo classes as well as intermediate and higher level extension classes for more fluent learners of Te Reo. Classes will be held at Te Houtaewa - if you have any whanau who will be interested please let them know to register with Papa Te Kai.
Ka kite koutou a tera wiki......