28th NOVEMBER 2014 - HEI MANAAKI (WK 15)
MAKING (Tupakihi, Pukatea & Horopito)
We were privileged today to have Kyle make some TPH Super Balm - used for the Iron Maori participants - containing the three essential oils and leaves to produce this wonderful healing, pain relief that soothes sprains, strains and breaks. Kylie explained that she has her whanau use it after intensive training to help alleviate some of the pain that occurs as a result of a lot of hard physical workout or activities.
She explained that it was important to soak the fresh leaves of the Tupakihi and Pukatea in oil for at least three months before use - her personal preference is using the Rice oil found in was more porous and soaked into the skin easier. Kura on the other hand explained she prefers olive oil but then others prefer a mixture of both rice oil & olive oil so the choice is up to the person making the oil.
The Pukatea and Tupakihi oils are added in equal amounts the heated in a stainless steel pot then the dried Horopito leaves are added the combination of the three provide, healing, anesthetic and heat that give a unique potent relief to aches and pains.
Allow time for oil to infuse together whilst on the heat. Remove from heat and begin slowly adding chunks of bees wax whilst stirring until you are able to dip in a cold spoon into the mixture and in begins to solidify (similar to checking when jam is ready) at this stage it is ready to start bottling.
Label jars clearly with name of rongoa contained and date of bottling. Pour into glass jars and allow to cool before putting lids on the jars to prevent sweating. Dark jars are best, but if you do use clear jars store them in a dark place.
Labelled Jars |
Use Stainless steel pots
bees wax solidifies |
Feed back from Te Rarawa Wananga hui held at Mahimaru Marae yesterday - spoke on he stages of development - to delegate a presentation out to each of our roopu, here is other research starting from the whakapapa
Io - Te Kai
Te Po - Wikitoria / Lillian
Moana - Te More
Joe / Viv - Te Kore
Kyle & Rena - Te Whe
Te Kura / Mere - Te Waonui
Jo / Teresa - Te Rea
Mellissa / Peter - ??????
Kohatu Korero: Papa Te Kai Talked about the triangles the Tahiti - Rapanui - NZ if you are in a house you should always place three hangi stones at the back and in the front - in the four corners of the property and three in the ceiling of the roof.
Spoke on all the tamariki of Ranginui & Papatuanuku - Excellent stories shared between all those who attended - by the end of the day we had a structure that will be the beginning of the Conference in November 2015.
Last weeks blog showed step by step on process how to extract bees wax using the sun with a glass cover.
This another way where I boiled the honey burr comb the step by step method is in this link
Here are photos of the end result
render produces large amount of bees wax |
some residue remain as I should have added more water to float wax |
Residue can be used as firestarters for BBQ or fireplaces |
Add captio |
For those who are having trouble sleeping or a restless child boil 6 Leaves to 1 ltr of water will give you a good sedative to help you sleep well - be careful not over use it otherwise you could overdose - drink in moderation
If you add biddy-bids and it strengthens the mix - a great rongoa - if giving to a restless child only give them a small teaspoon no more
Whaea Moana is having trouble with sore eyes so Kura & Papa Jo made a mix with some Lace Bark leaves dropped in cold water - allow to sit a little while and drop water droplets direct into eyes. This will relieve painful, stinging and tired eyes.
On the 5th of December if the weather is good we will go out to the Ngahere - unfortunately the weather prevented that visit today so our target is for next Friday instead.
On the 12th December we will be having our last class at Ahipara for the day and will have a BBQ on the day.
Whaea Viv will inform us later when we will be starting back up in the new year in February sometime.