Thursday 23rd October we said goodbye to Nico who will now be heading to Coromandal for a festival with a friend he met in his travels around Te Hiku.
We wish him well on the rest of his journey around NZ and the rest of the world.
He will be able to track our awesome weekly "Friday classes" via the blog, no matter where in the world he is. He will also be able to comment and let us know where he is by commenting directly on to the blog - that way we too can continue to follow his journey as well.
Maa te Atua koe e manaaki, e tiaki i nga waa katoa Nico
may god bless and take care of you always
We were invited this week by Papa Te Kai Makiha to check out the Whare Uku that are being made by Robin Porter & Heeni Hoterene as part of a new housing strategy at providing low cost homes for whanau (click on above link to read more). Many have whanau land but do not have the putea to build. This option provides a new opportunity to build affordable homes on their whenua.
Papa Te Kai & Whaea Wikitoria are currently building at Ahipara and we look forward to seeing the end result.
Unfortunately due to a tangi our visit has been postponed will confirm a new visit date soon. I did find some other information for us to view as mahi kainga until then - enjoy viewing: Whare Uku research
Today we viewed the Kuaka Wharau episode of Joe Conrad that we missed last week. Wonderful korero about the impact of Waka in his life as a Kaupapa Rangatira!!
We also had a fabulous discussion around what we want in our book to help fundraise for our roopu which we want to have available both digital & hard copy. Whaea Viv will find out more about the possibility of getting a Te Rarawa cadet to help the roopu with this mahi.
Papa Te Kai explained that Maori Malaya Roopu are interested to hear our stories about our marae, tikanga, we will look at other examples as a template for our books
Looking at collating blog information order perhaps 1) start with the dream how our roopu started, 2) The rimu rimu story 3) journeys along the way, include whakatauki, korero, waiata (ensure to reference info)
Papa Te Kai & Papa Joe gave a brief explaination of Kauae runga and Kauae raro - Te Kauae Raro is terrestrial (general) knowledge. Te Kauae Runga is celestial (esoteric) knowledge.
Kitchy explained "Purapura whetu - knowledge from the stars"
Papa Te Kai spoke about the Hokioi (NZ Giant Eagle) how it use to be a predator to the Moa both now extinct.
Other interesting links on the Hokioi / Karearea:
Man eating birds
Ueoneone's Karearea
Ueoneone raua ko Reitu
Waiata (ref: Bruce, R.C. (1892). "On a Maori Waiata". Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 25: 426–427.)
Purea Nei Waiata This song is thought to be about the Ngapuhi Chief Ueoneone, and his courtship of two Waikato women.
Papa Te Kai gave an awesome korero on 'nga kuri' the connection or whakapapa story between the Kuri and the Kuri Moana. Whilst others shared their stories linking the Kuri tutai with fishing and the dog with fishing.
Koraukore Marae 1st November we have been invited to Kura's sons 21st discusse to go as a roopu to tautoko Kura.
Next wananga planned for Te Kao - Untie Lenny Kapa would like us to go up so we will sort out a booking - Jo will contact date TBC either 7- 8 November or 14-15 November - Papa Te Kai will find out when the next wananga for Te Ataarangi is in Te Kao (seem to next week perhaps)
There will be a Te Rarawa conference hui on the 6th of November at Te Oranga we want to get our reps along however if any others want to come along they are welcome to attend.
We also have had a media invitation with Rongo Benson on Tuesday 7pm show on Te Hiku about Rongoa Maori
Papa Te Kai thinks their Whare Uku will be finished by end of November early Dec and would like to have us join them to their house warming - good opportunity to have a pre-Xmas celebration as a roopu.
With this weekend being a long weekend would like to wish all our roopu and whanau a very safe and happy weekend.
Unfortunately due to a tangi our visit has been postponed will confirm a new visit date soon. I did find some other information for us to view as mahi kainga until then - enjoy viewing: Whare Uku research
Today we viewed the Kuaka Wharau episode of Joe Conrad that we missed last week. Wonderful korero about the impact of Waka in his life as a Kaupapa Rangatira!!
We also had a fabulous discussion around what we want in our book to help fundraise for our roopu which we want to have available both digital & hard copy. Whaea Viv will find out more about the possibility of getting a Te Rarawa cadet to help the roopu with this mahi.
Papa Te Kai explained that Maori Malaya Roopu are interested to hear our stories about our marae, tikanga, we will look at other examples as a template for our books
Looking at collating blog information order perhaps 1) start with the dream how our roopu started, 2) The rimu rimu story 3) journeys along the way, include whakatauki, korero, waiata (ensure to reference info)
This is the meaning found in Te Paataka Kai - Kai a te Rangatira Papa Kupu:
kauae raro [Tāne] kauwae raro [Tāne] Ngā kōrero o te wānanga tapu e pā ana ki ngā mea o te whenua.. Nā te iwi whānui o Hauraki a ia i tangi i runga i te mōhio kua whakangaro atu nei a ia, kua ngaro anō hoki tētehi wāhi rahi tonu o te toi kauaerunga me te toi kauaeraro, ā, tē taea te whakahoki mai (TTR 3, 234). {kauwae (kauwae raro)}
kauae runga [Tāne] kauwae runga [Tāne] Ngā kōrero o te wānanga tapu e pā ana ki ngā mea o te rangi. Ko ngā mana poropiti, ko ngā mana tohunga ngā kaha o Hikapuhi, i āhei ai āna tūroro ki ngā tikanga o te kauaerunga o te Māori, ki te whakaora i ō rātau wairua, whakaū hoki i te tūmanako (TTR 3, 55).{kauwae (kauwae runga)}
Had an interesting korero around various tikanga which links with Maui stories such as Hine Mahuika (her fire fingernails) and Hine-nui-te-po.Other interesting links on the Hokioi / Karearea:
Man eating birds
Ueoneone's Karearea
Ueoneone raua ko Reitu
Waiata (ref: Bruce, R.C. (1892). "On a Maori Waiata". Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 25: 426–427.)
Purea Nei Waiata This song is thought to be about the Ngapuhi Chief Ueoneone, and his courtship of two Waikato women.
Papa Te Kai gave an awesome korero on 'nga kuri' the connection or whakapapa story between the Kuri and the Kuri Moana. Whilst others shared their stories linking the Kuri tutai with fishing and the dog with fishing.
Koraukore Marae 1st November we have been invited to Kura's sons 21st discusse to go as a roopu to tautoko Kura.
Next wananga planned for Te Kao - Untie Lenny Kapa would like us to go up so we will sort out a booking - Jo will contact date TBC either 7- 8 November or 14-15 November - Papa Te Kai will find out when the next wananga for Te Ataarangi is in Te Kao (seem to next week perhaps)
There will be a Te Rarawa conference hui on the 6th of November at Te Oranga we want to get our reps along however if any others want to come along they are welcome to attend.
We also have had a media invitation with Rongo Benson on Tuesday 7pm show on Te Hiku about Rongoa Maori
Papa Te Kai thinks their Whare Uku will be finished by end of November early Dec and would like to have us join them to their house warming - good opportunity to have a pre-Xmas celebration as a roopu.
With this weekend being a long weekend would like to wish all our roopu and whanau a very safe and happy weekend.